Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Under the Moonspell

I'm a creature of the night
Born without a father
Having the Moon as my mother

Only the Moon knows how I feel
Only the Moon knows who I am
The moonlight is my guide
My soul companion in my life

My life is like an eternal darkness
With no stars and no sun behind the Moon
The more I try to reach the sunlight
The more I become close to darkness

Like a neverending tunnel
A tunnel with no exit
My life fastly reaches towards its end...

Este é dedicado à banda que eu mais gosto e que para mim é "the best band in the world". Kisses to all.


Sorrow_Leviathan said...

tens mto jeito maria marcelina:P

Sorrow_Leviathan said...

tens mto jeito maria marcelina:P

Winterdarkness said...

Thank you my friends for being around!